Monday, November 27, 2006

Advertising and Blogs

The toy merchant, since 1862, is now advertising on Pajamas Media.
Sample of Pajama Media story headlines from November 26, when the ad below was seen.

Just in time for Thanksgiving Weekend - The Pajamas Media Shopper!
The Big Story: Easy Prey in Paris -- "A jackpot, a Black and a Jew."
Antarctica: I'm at the "end of the world"... and I feel fine
Street Battles Between Mexican Police and APPO Rioters in Oaxaca, Mexico

Stay of Deportation -- EU Court Orders Russia to Halt Kamalfar Extradition
It's Now Her Cross to Bear - and Wear
The Serial Murderers of Syria -- Victor Davis Hanson
He's Spinning as Fast As He Can (Michael Richards)
To Be Gay Under the Mullahs (podcast)
The Breathtaking Photographs of Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Life of the London Tube these days in not for the faint of heart
Organic Machinery (combinatorial walking insects)
The Biggest (?) Online Digital Picture in the World
Rewind Hundreds of DVDs an Hour
Freeranger Central: The x-factor in American politics
Iraq, Civil War, Gang War or Just Muslims Having It Out Once Again?
We Regret to Inform You That Your Sushi May Have Been Radioactive
Like Nelson Rockefeller, He Died as He Lived (H. Donald Wilson, founder of LexisNexis)
Pitt/Jolie: 'We'll see your African kid and raise you a pair of Vietnamese twins'

BTW, Pajama Media is also responsible for crowd-sourcing a new name, Freerangers, for bloggers who are "uncomfortable with the conventional left-right, liberal-conservative dichotomized pigeonholes of the mainstream".

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